The great thing about america is
The great thing about america is any little boy can grow up to be president.
Of course, there are a few steps to take along the way.
Shaking hands until your hands bleed.
Sucking up to the men with power, and betraying them when they are old and helpless.
Buying votes, stealing votes, counting votes, knowing the score.
Bending lesser men to your will.
Embezzling millions.
Rides in small planes with poor safety records.
Reporters, watching, scribbling.
Choosing a wife for the size of her daddy's bankroll.
Ruining the reputation of your opponents, honorable men.
Sending men to die and to kill.
Looking for the next rung on the ladder, planning ahead.
Working twice as hard as the other guy.
Working the phones, pleading, begging, threatening, checking the polls, counting votes, giving orders.
Hiring a band, like pappy ferguson used to do.
Having more helicopters than the other guy.
Striking from a distance without being seen.
Bragging about it later.
Playing hardball, with the only bat and glove in town.
Not slowing down after your first heart attack.
Not every boy in america wants to do these things.
It's about willpower. The guy who gets tired first loses.
Me, I have some of that, but I've lost most of my elections and have no shot at president. What I can do is write about it.
LBJ had it. Joe Kennedy too, and in the collision course between these two men
hangs a tale.
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